PHAT M31 Cluster Images
Jan 10, 2014
This password protected site is a modified version of my
public M31 site. It contains the information on M31 clusters contained
in the public page as well as postage stamps from the PHAT images. The files used for these
images came from the PHAT pipeline.
Names are from the Andromeda Project and the Revised Bologna
Catalog where possible. "hodge09" and "hodge10" names are from Hodge et al. (AJ, 138, 770, 2009)
and Hodge et al. (PASP, 122, 745, 2010).
All clusters in
the PHAT footprint, found by the AP or others, ordered by magnitude. Only
good AP clusters are included.
All clusters ordered by name.
All observed clusters, ordered by RA.
Same, ordered by spectroscopic metallicity.
Clusters intended for Old cluster paper, ordered by name.
Clusters with good cmds, intended for the Old cluster paper, ordered by mass.
All observed clusters,
ordered by distance to center of M31.
All clusters in
the PHAT footprint recently studied by Lori Beerman, new and previously known, ordered by magnitude. Her masses and ages are shown.
All observed clusters whose spectra show evidence of ionized gas, usually from Halpha.
Stars which have Hectospectra.
Stars which Massey has provided spectral types for.
For each object in these lists,
the following are shown:
- the location in M31 (except for more distant objects - my image
doesn't cover enough area).
- the F275W, F336W, F475W, F814W, F110W and F160W images, if they exist. The field size is 10 arcsecs.
The scale on all the images is the same (now, there was a problem previously)
- To the right of the IR images is the 475-814 CMD. Click to enlarge. The enclosed histogram shows the metallicity distributions of RGB stars, referenced to the Dartmouth isochrones. Stars in the color range 1.0 < F475W-F814W < 4.0 and magnitude range 20.4 < F814W < 23.0 were used.
- the 3.6micron Spitzer images, if available. Field is 30 arcsec.
- the resolved star profile (in progress). to the right of that, the Hectospec spectrum, if available.
- The optical CMD is shown with F475 on the vertical axis. The histograms
show the distribution of stars on the HB.
- The IR CMD is shown with histograms in metallicity, referenced to the isochrones
- the V and I images taken with the Mayall 4m telescope as
presented in the LGS, if available. Field is 30 arcsec.
Each web page contains a list of objects to the left,
ordered as stated. The images will appear to the right after clicking.
Basic information appears
next to the images (type, velocity, V magnitude, comments).
Mass, [Fe/H] and ages are from Caldwell et al. 2009 and a recently
accepted AJ paper. Please don't distribute this material till that paper
appears in astro-ph. "Type" is explained in the catalog notes (see public link above).
The ground based images come from the
Local Group Survey of Massey et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 2478.
Magnitudes are not yet rationalized (most are actually V, but some of the smaller, young clusters
are F555W, and worse). They are meant to be indicative only.
Spectra of the young clusters are in jpg
format. Click on the postage stamp for full resolution.
The spectra (aside of a few problem cases that are obvious - young
clusters with red continua)
have been flux calibrated, deredshifted (actually deblueshifted)
and dereddened.
These plots show only the blue part of the spectrum. The data was
smoothed before plotting.