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CfA Seminars

The CfA Seminars aim to provide opportunities for early-career researchers to present their work on exciting and diverse topics to the CfA community. These seminars typically feature two complementary presentations from visiting and local speakers.

Date Speaker Title
2024-09-10 Chris Carr Regulating Star Formation with a Hot Circumgalactic Medium
2024-09-10 Delilah Gates Rapidly rotating black holes as particle accelerators
2024-09-17 Michael Zhang Constraining the fundamental properties of mini-Neptunes with escaping helium observations
2024-09-17 Dominic Chang Bayesian Black Hole Photogrammetry
2024-09-24 Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti Magnetic Switchbacks Contribute to Solar Wind Acceleration and Heating
2024-09-24 Casey Brinkman Rocky Planet Compositions Tend to be Earth-like and Consistent with Host Star Abundances
2024-10-01 Yuqian Wei Joint Microwave and X-ray Observations of Supra-Arcade Down flows Impacting the Loop-Top and Above-the-Loop-Top Regions
2024-10-01 Stephanie Jarmak Asteroid Exploration with JWST with Insights from Psyche Observations
2024-10-08 Rebecca Levy JWST Observations of M82: Massive Star Clusters and the Base of the Galactic Wind
2024-10-08 Phillip Van Lane Constraining gyrochronology: a benchmark data catalogue and probabilistic age inference framework
2024-10-15 Jenny Calahan Extremely-Normal Conditions for Planet Formation
2024-10-15 Alexandra Amon A weak lensing perspective on feedback
2024-10-22 Zachary Fried Rotational Spectrum and First Interstellar Detection of 2-Methoxyethanol using ALMA Observations of NGC 6334I
2024-10-22 Daichi Tsuna Luminous Supernova Precursors from Close Binaries
2024-10-29 Congyue Deng Representing and Enforcing Geometric Relations in Deep Neural Networks
2024-10-29 Lisa Drummond Gyroscopes orbiting gargantuan black holes: spinning secondaries in EMRIs
2024-11-12 Lekshmi Thulasidharan Chronicles of Cosmic Assembly: Decoding the Merger History of the Milky Way
2024-11-12 Sebastian Zieba Characterizing the surfaces of exoplanets with JWST
2024-11-19 Yueying Ni Modeling the Evolution of Quiescent Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations
2024-11-19 Rae Holcomb Rotation and Spots and Activity, Oh My!: Understanding Stars with TESS, Pandora, and Beyond