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The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian hosts a series of events for the scientific community, including seminars, colloquia, conferences and workshops, luncheons, and endowed lectures.

Browse past events to view presentations and recaps.

The CfA also hosts public events, including our popular public Observatory Night series.

Events for Scientists

Tuesday 1:30 PM, Zoom
CfA Seminars (on hold)
Tuesday 12:00 PM, Phillips
Wednesday 12:30 PM, Zoom
Thursday 11:00 AM, Phillips
Thursday 12:30 PM, Phillips
Friday 11:00 AM, M-340, Zoom
Wednesday 10:30 AM, Zoom
Wednesday 02:30 PM


Endowed Lectures

The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian is proud to host a series of endowed lectures, generously sponsored and awarded to honor scientists who exemplify the legacy of pushing research to the forefronts of astrophysical knowledge. This includes lectures that feature promising young scholars like those awarded the Bok Prize, pH Lecture, and Clay Lecture as well as established scientists, recognizing accomplishments throughout their scientific career like those presenting the Payne-Gaposchkin and Sackler Lectures. The Endowed Lectures are presented as part of the CfA Colloquia Lecture Series. Descriptions, lists of the lectures and videos when available  can be seen using this link.


See Endowed Lectures

Events for the Public

The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian offers events for the public, including our popular public Observatory Nights.

Speakers range from CfA scientists to acclaimed authors, who present non-technical, accessible lectures on recent advances in astrophysics. Following these talks, telescope observing is held on our rooftop, weather permitting.

These events are free and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. The talks are oriented for a high-school aged audience and above, but children are also welcome. If you are unable to attend in person, join us on our live-stream!

Public Events