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  • The Dark Energy Camera, based at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, can record light from up to 8 billion light-years away and captures more than 100,000 galaxies in each snapshot. The 570-megapixel camera was built at Fermilab and is one of the most powerful cameras in the world.

    The Dark Energy Camera, based at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, can record light from up to 8 billion light-years away and captures more than 100,000 galaxies in each snapshot. The 570-megapixel camera was built at Fermilab and is one of the most powerful cameras in the world.

  • The Dark Energy Survey uses a 570-megapixel camera mounted on the Blanco Telescope in Chile to image 5,000 square degrees of southern sky. The survey has already discovered more than 1,000 supernovae and mapped millions of galaxies to help us understand the accelerating expansion of our universe.

    The Dark Energy Survey uses a 570-megapixel camera mounted on the Blanco Telescope in Chile to image 5,000 square degrees of southern sky. The survey has already discovered more than 1,000 supernovae and mapped millions of galaxies to help us understand the accelerating expansion of our universe.
