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  • How do you make an Earth-like planet? The "test kitchen" of Earth has given us this detailed recipe, which also applies to terrestrial exoplanets orbiting distant stars.

    How do you make an Earth-like planet? The "test kitchen" of Earth has given us this

    detailed recipe, which also applies to terrestrial exoplanets orbiting distant stars.

    Li Zeng (CfA)
  • How do you make an Earth-like planet? The "test kitchen" of Earth has given us a detailed recipe, but it wasn't clear whether other planetary systems would follow the same formula. Now, astronomers have found evidence that the recipe for Earth also applies to terrestrial exoplanets orbiting distant stars.

    How do you make an Earth-like planet? The "test kitchen" of Earth has given us a detailed recipe, but it wasn't clear whether other planetary systems would follow the same formula. Now, astronomers have found evidence that the recipe for Earth also applies to terrestrial exoplanets orbiting distant stars.

    David A. Aguilar (CfA)