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  • This artist's conception shows a planet forming from a disk of gas and dust surrounding a young star.

    This artist's conception shows a planet forming from a disk of gas and dust surrounding a young star.

    David A. Aguilar (CfA)
  • New research finds that exoplanets can be divided into three groups ‚Äì terrestrials, gas giants, and mid-sized "gas dwarfs" ‚Äì based on how their host stars tend to fall into three distinct groups defined by their compositions. All three are portrayed in this artist's conception.

    New research finds that exoplanets can be divided into three groups – terrestrials, gas giants, and mid-sized "gas dwarfs" – based on how their host stars tend to fall into three distinct groups defined by their compositions. All three are portrayed in this artist's conception.

    J. Jauch