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Image List

  • CfA received an international response to its call for photos. This image came from Italy. The details are in the photo captions.

    CfA received an international response to its call for photos. This image came from Italy. The details are in the photo captions.

    Ernesto Guido & Giovanni Sostero
  • "I took this wide-angle shot of Holmes last night with a 55 mm lens on my Nikon D40. In binoculars I could just make out that it was extended."

    "I took this wide-angle shot of Holmes last night with a 55 mm lens on my Nikon D40. In binoculars I could just make out that it was extended."

    Thomas Dame
  • "I took this wide-angle shot of Holmes last night with a 55 mm lens on my Nikon D40. In binoculars I could just make out that it was extended."

    "I took this wide-angle shot of Holmes last night with a 55 mm lens on my Nikon D40. In binoculars I could just make out that it was extended."

    Thomas Dame
  • "Here are my shots of the amazing comet Holmes I took early this morning. Very easily seen, even during a full moon! With its faint yellowish color, it looked more like a supernova than a classic comet!" Canon 20D, Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS 3 sec f/2.8 ISO 1600, Shot 4:00 am October 26th Harvard, MA

    "Here are my shots of the amazing comet Holmes I took early this morning. Very easily seen, even during a full moon! With its faint yellowish color, it looked more like a supernova than a classic comet!" Canon 20D, Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS 3 sec f/2.8 ISO 1600, Shot 4:00 am October 26th Harvard, MA

    Joe Zajac
  • "Here are my shots of the amazing comet Holmes I took early this morning. Very easily seen, even during a full moon! With its faint yellowish color, it looked more like a supernova than a classic comet!" Canon 20D, Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS 3 sec f/2.8 ISO 1600, Shot 4:00 am October 26th Harvard, MA

    "Here are my shots of the amazing comet Holmes I took early this morning. Very easily seen, even during a full moon! With its faint yellowish color, it looked more like a supernova than a classic comet!" Canon 20D, Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS 3 sec f/2.8 ISO 1600, Shot 4:00 am October 26th Harvard, MA

    Joe Zajac
  • "Here is my image of Comet Holmes taken through the Micro Observatory last night. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I am certainly pleased. These are my first images of a comet ever taken with this little remote telescope. I'm sure classrooms around the country will be using it this weekend to take their own photos of this strange new visitor to our skies."

    "Here is my image of Comet Holmes taken through the Micro Observatory last night. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I am certainly pleased. These are my first images of a comet ever taken with this little remote telescope. I'm sure classrooms around the country will be using it this weekend to take their own photos of this strange new visitor to our skies."

    Muazzez Lohmiller & Frank Sienkiewicz
  • "Here are two images I took last night on the 48" telescope on the ridge. On the left is a relatively gentle processing to reveal the halo-like structure.On the right has been more aggressively processed to reveal jet-like stricture."

    "Here are two images I took last night on the 48" telescope on the ridge. On the left is a relatively gentle processing to reveal the halo-like structure.On the right has been more aggressively processed to reveal jet-like stricture."

    Gil Esquerdo
  • "I'm out at the MMT observatory and I took a picture of the comet this morning just before sunrise with my digital camera. It was a beautiful sight at dawn and I'm going to try and take some more images tonight."

    "I'm out at the MMT observatory and I took a picture of the comet this morning just before sunrise with my digital camera. It was a beautiful sight at dawn and I'm going to try and take some more images tonight."

    John Tobin