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  • A visible-light image shows few signs of the curtains of material enveloping the W5 region. Also hidden are many of the newborn stars still swaddled in their natal cocoons. Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera, which was developed at CfA, revealed new wonders in this stellar birthplace.

    A visible-light image shows few signs of the curtains of material enveloping the W5 region. Also hidden are many of the newborn stars still swaddled in their natal cocoons. Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera, which was developed at CfA, revealed new wonders in this stellar birthplace.

    California Institute of Technology's Digitized Sky Survey
  • A visible-light image (inset) shows few signs of the curtains of material enveloping the W5 region. Spitzer's infrared eyes revealed huge glowing clouds of cool gas and hundreds of newborn stars shining through their dusty surroundings.

    A visible-light image (inset) shows few signs of the curtains of material enveloping the W5 region. Spitzer's infrared eyes revealed huge glowing clouds of cool gas and hundreds of newborn stars shining through their dusty surroundings.

    NASA/JPL-Caltech/L. Allen and J. Hora (CfA)