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Astronomers have new evidence that the Andromeda spiral galaxy was involved in a violent head-on collision with the neighboring dwarf galaxy Messier 32 (M32) more than 200 million years ago. This infrared photograph taken with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope revealed a never-before-seen dust ring deep within the Andromeda galaxy (highlighted by the inset). When combined with a previously observed outer ring, the presence of both dust rings suggests that M32 plunged through the disk of Andromeda along Andromeda's polar axis approximately 210 million years ago.
NASA/JPL/P. Barmby (CfA) -
Same as above, labeled. Bright regions mark warm dust within the Andromeda galaxy.
NASA/JPL/P. Barmby (CfA) -
Same as above, without the inset.
NASA/JPL/P. Barmby (CfA)