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  • This computer animation, created using new software called Arepo, simulates 9 billion years of cosmic history. Arepo can accurately follow the birth and evolution of thousands of galaxies over billions of years. Arepo generates the full variety of galaxies seen locally, including majestic spirals like the Milky Way and Andromeda.

    CfA/UCSD/HITS/M. Vogelsberger (CfA) & V. Springel (HITS)
  • This still frame is taken from the Arepo-generated animation shown above. It demonstrates Arepo's key ability to produce realistic spiral galaxies. Previous simulations tended to yield blobby galaxies lacking distinct spiral structure.

    This still frame is taken from the Arepo-generated animation shown above. It

    demonstrates Arepo's key ability to produce realistic spiral galaxies. Previous simulations tended to yield blobby galaxies lacking distinct spiral structure.

    CfA/UCSD/HITS/M. Vogelsberger (CfA) & V. Springel (HITS)