For the first time, the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian will host a "Street" at a conference. The 235th meeting of the American Astronomical Society being held this week in Honolulu, Hawai'i, will have a "CfA Street" in its Exhibit Hall. Over the decades, CfA's many missions and teams have on an individual basis hosted booths in the Exhibit Halls, where they presented their diverse activities: astronomy from gamma-rays to the radio, management of space missions from Chandra to SWAS (the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite) and their discoveries, research from CfA's numerous ground-based facilities, support from CfA’s data and technology centers, and results from CfA's physics and astronomy theory groups.
This year a CfA Street will exhibit the full range of CfA activities including those underway at its research facilities in Cambridge, MA, Mt. Hopkins, AZ, Mauna Kea, HI, Las Campanas, Chile, and in Greenland. CfA's regular presenters will be there--like the Astrophysics Data System (ADS), Chandra X-ray Observatory (Chandra) and the Submillimeter Array (SMA)--but this year many new teams, projects and programs will join them. These include CfA's several fellowships opportunities (both postdoctoral and pre-doctoral) which are being highlighted through conversations with current postdocs and predocs, and via a discussion with the former chair of the Fellowship Selection Committee and the Fellowship Coordinator. Also featured on the Street are the Wolbach Library and the Harvard Plate Stacks, with the latter available to show current and historic activities. "Ask a Statistician" workshops will be conducted several times during the meeting. The Whipple Observatory and the Greenland Telescope will display some of their new projects underway in Arizona and Greenland. Finally, scientists from the Telescope Data Center and the Hitran and AtomDB spectroscopy groups will be available to the user community to answer questions and discuss the latest research.
A website about the CfA Street can be viewed here:
A link to recent CfA Press Releases is here:
and a link to recent CfA publications is here: