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CfA Wins AAAS Science SPORE Award

CfA Wins AAAS Science SPORE Award

The American Association for the Advancement of Science has awarded the SCIENCE Prize for Online Resources (SPORE Award) to the CfA's "The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science." Created in partnership with Annenberg Media, "Habitable Planet" is an on-line course for high school teachers and other adult learners on current topics in environmental science. The course was created by CfA's Science Media Group, led by Dr. Matthew H. Schneps and Alex Griswold, in association with Prof. Dan Schrag at the Harvard University Center for the Environment and other distinguished scientists from around the country, including CfA contributors Kelly Chance, Lisa Kalteneggar, Kelly Korreck, and Leonard Strachan.

A Science article about the project, links to the free course, and details about the SPORE Prize are available at: