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Fall Public Events Schedule Now Online

Fall Public Events Schedule Now Online

We're pleased to announce that the full schedule of upcoming public programs is now available. This fall's Observatory Night talks will take us "Into the Darkness." We'll journey to the dustiest corners of the Milky Way, slingshot past a monster black hole, and arrive back on Earth in time for prepare for next year's Great American Eclipse. As always, rooftop viewing will follow the talks when weather permits.

Please note that reservations are now required for all Observatory Night talks. Admission is still free. You can register for free tickets using the links on our public events page.

This fall we also will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek on Thursday, October 6th by screening two classic episodes. Reservations will not be required for that event.

Doors open at 7:00 pm for all events. The main presentation will begin at 7:30.

For details, see:

All Observatory Night lectures are webcast live and archived online on our YouTube channel.