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Honors for Five CfA Scientists

CfA scientist John Raymond is a newly elected fellow of the American Physical Society for his outstanding contributions to the understanding of a broad range of astrophysical processes in the solar corona, supernova remnants, X-ray binaries, and other objects.

CfA scientist Matt Schneps was appointed the George E. Burch Fellow in Theoretical Medicine and Affiliated Sciences. The $100,000 award will support Schneps' work on learning disabilities.

Three CfA scientists, Saku Vrtilek, Ramesh Narayan, and Alyssa Goodman, are newly elected Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Goodman was elected for distinguished contributions to the field of star formation, particularly the physics of molecular cloud cores, and for fostering public engagement in astronomical science. Narayan was honored for distinguished contributions to the field of theoretical astrophysics, particularly for understanding accretion disks around black holes. Vrtilek was commended for extraordinary service to the AAAS Section on Astronomy as its secretary, for dedicated efforts in public outreach, and for research on disk accretion and X-ray binaries.