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Observatory Night Recognizes 70th Anniversary of "Sky & Telescope"

Observatory Night Recognizes 70th Anniversary of "Sky & Telescope"

On Thursday, October 20, the Center for Astrophysics will hold a special Observatory Night presentation to celebrate the 70th anniversary of "Sky & Telescope" magazine. The event starts at 7:30 p.m. EDT. For those who can¹t attend in person, you can follow the event live on the web by visiting

The event will feature short presentations by S&T editor in chief Robert Naeye, senior editor Dennis di Cicco, and former editor in chief Rick
Fienberg. The talks will cover S&T's past, present, and future, and how amateur astronomy has changed over the past seven decades. They will also give the premier showing of a 70th anniversary video beginning at 7:15 p.m.

If you can¹t watch the live feed, please visit the CfA archive later this month.