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Spring Public Events Schedule Now Online

Spring Public Events Schedule Now Online

We have an exciting line-up of Observatory Night programs this spring! We will learn about the surprising practical benefits of basic scientific research, consider possible signs of alien life in exoplanet atmospheres, journey across the visible universe, get sucked into a black hole, and travel through time to witness the future birth of the Giant Magellan Telescope.

Observatory Night lectures will take place on the third Thursday of the month from January through May. These public talks feature a variety of astronomical topics that are timely and of general interest. As always, rooftop viewing will follow the talks when weather permits.

Doors open at 7:00 pm. We will offer a short opening program at 7:10. The main presentation will begin at 7:30, as usual.

For details, see:

All Observatory Night lectures are webcast live and archived online on our YouTube channel.