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Venus Transit - No Rooftop Viewing

Venus Transit - No Rooftop Viewing

On Tuesday, June 5th, the planet Venus will cross the face of the Sun for the last time until 2117. Since the Cambridge forecast is for cloudy weather, we will show this event via webcast from Hawaii.

Anyone wishing to visit the Observatory can join us at Phillips Auditorium between 6:00 and 8:20 p.m. We will air a NASA webcast being broadcast live from Mauna Kea. Parking is available at 60 Garden Street, 160 Concord Avenue, and the lot on Bond Street between Garden Street and Concord Avenue.

Since rooftop viewing will not take place, you can also watch the transit from the comfort of your own home. The following websites will offer live views:



National Solar Observatory

Mt. Lemmon

Astronomers Without Borders