SAO-UMass/LIP Current Research Openings
Peter Cheimets - Opening for Undergraduate Majors in the Following Fields: Engineering students, or science students interested in developing instrumentation. Some interest in materials would be helpful.
Advisor: Peter Cheimets
Department: Central Engineering
Chandra, the X-ray Great Observatory, represents the last time that larger monolithic X-ray mirrors were made. In order to move forward with large area, high resolution (better than 2 arcsec) X-ray observation we need to have a scalable method to make X-ray focusing optics. There are several approaches that are now under development. None of them will achieve the combination of high resolution, and manufacturing and alignment scalability any time soon.
The proposed mirror fabrication used cold forming and replication to achieve high surface figure and smoothness at manufacturing scale. The project would be to start the process of making flat mirrors, working on the process that would allow us to make these mirrors in general to determine if the approach is feasible.
A subset of the following skills is desired:
- Knowledge of mechanical engineering, SolidWorks design and FEM
- Some background in materials and adhesives
- Some background in optics
Learning Elements:
The project will expose the intern to one of the most pressing problems in X-ray observational astrophysics: fabricating mirrors with high smoothness and figure. In the process the intern will work in a cleanroom environment, learn to select adhesives, bond glass in precision shapes, and use high precision measurement equipment. This will provide the intern with skills that are highly marketable in a number of fields including astrophysics, metrology, nanofabrications, wafer lithography, etc.
Jason Eastman - Opening for Undergraduate Majors in: Astronomy, Physics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, Math, and Data Sciences.
Advisor: Jason Eastman
Department: Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences
I work on instrumentation and exoplanets. I am the PI of MINERVA, which is a robotic Radial Velocity facility at Whipple observatory in Arizona dedicated to follow up of planet candidates from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). I am also the author of EXOFASTv2, a widely used public software suite that does global models for exoplanetary systems using a variety of data sources.
Students working on research projects with me will be able to work on a variety of both observational and instrumentation projects related to exoplanet discovery and characterization.
- Familiarity with Unix/Linux systems and terminal operations.
- Basic programming skills are strongly encouraged, especially Python.
- Some physics/astronomy/statistics background would be helpful but is not necessary
Learning Elements:
- Experience using linux based computers and numerical simulations Gaining familiarity with the use of super computers for scientific computing
- Data processing and analysis techniques
- Basics of the field of exoplanets
- Writing for presentation of results in a scientific journal
- Use of LaTeX and Overleaf document preparation software for papers
Adam Foster & Nancy Brickhouse - Opening for Undergraduate Majors in the Following Fields: Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Math
Advisor: Adam Foster & Nancy Brickhouse
Department: High Energy Astrophysics Division and the Solar, Stellar & Planetary Sciences Division
The AtomDB atomic database consists of a large database of atomic data and a series of physical models used to model X-ray emission from astrophysical plasma such as stars, supernovae, galaxy clusters and many other objects using this database. These models have underpinned many results from the Chandra and XMM observatories. Keeping the database up to date with the latest atomic data, providing easy access to the database and results, identifying weaknesses in the database, enhancing the capabilities of the models and ensuring tight integration with spectral analysis software are the key tasks in this project.
Project A: "All the Right Lines in all the Right Places:"
The project will involve comparing the line-rich Chandra spectrum of the binary star Capella with the existing lines in the AtomDB database. The strongest lines are well characterized, however the weaker lines are often mis-identified or have small inaccuracies in their wavelengths. This project would involve systematically updating the atomic database to correct wavelengths, improving the spectral model. Where possible, published results matching the new line wavelengths would be identified.
Project B: "Connecting AtomDB Models to XSPEC and Beyond:"
Recent AtomDB models have been written in python, to ease development, however spectral analysis is still done using a C++ based code, XSPEC. In this project, work would be performed to connect these two models to allow faster and more robust access to the new AtomDB models in the XSPEC framework. This will include developing interfaces between the C++ and python code to ensure that the models run robustly and that they can be updated in the future.
- The student should be familiar with concepts of basic computer programming (familiarity with Python would be beneficial)
- For project A, a background in physics or physical chemistry is beneficial, and an understanding of spectroscopy would be a bonus.
- For project B, more advanced knowledge of computer science would be desired, with less requirement for physics, although both are again beneficial.
Learning Elements:
Project A: The student will learn about spectroscopy, emission from hot plasma, identifying features in a complex spectrum, how to evaluate competing sources of scientific data, and how to update and maintain astrophysical data. They will gain experience working with real scientific data and large databases.
Project B: The student will learn about spectroscopy, spectral modeling software, scientific computing, and software development. They will learn the physics behind the software, and the tradeoffs applied when designing software for efficient fitting routines. They will learn about interfaces between two different software languages and the importance of documentation and maintainability.
Sarah Jeffreson - Opening for Undergraduate Majors in the Following Fields: Astronomy, Physics, Statistics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Math, Data Sciences
Advisor: Sarah Jeffreson
Department: Institute for Theory and Computation
Originally from Melbourne (Australia), I am currently an Institute for Theory and Computation (ITC) Postdoctoral Fellow working at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics. I received my PhD in November 2020 from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. The primary goal of my research is to understand the cycle of star formation across the wide variety of galactic environments present in our Universe. To this end, I use a combination of analytic theory and numerical supercomputer simulations to study the evolution of the giant, cold molecular gas reservoirs (Giant Molecular Clouds, or GMCs) in which stars are formed, and to connect this physics to the properties of the host galaxy, on larger scales.
Within a high-resolution computer simulation of the dwarf galaxy NGC 300, the student will analyze a sample of ~10,000 giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and their larger, lower-density parents: atomic hydrogen clouds (HI clouds). Our simulation includes state-of-the art, self-consistent modelling of the chemical pathways converting atomic to molecular hydrogen, so is ideally suited to studying the formation of GMCs from HI clouds. The focus of the project will be to uncover the physical properties of HI clouds that lead to GMC formation, and therefore to star formation. Such a detailed census has never before been conducted across an entire simulated disc galaxy, and will provide valuable insights into the lifecycle of GMCs. A possible extension to the project will be to look for a connection between the formation of GMCs and the larger-scale galactic environment (e.g. whether GMCs are more likely to form in the inner or the outer galactic disc).
- Familiarity with Unix/Linux systems and terminal operations.
- Basic programming skills are strongly encouraged, especially Python.
- Some physics/astronomy/statistics background would be helpful but is not necessary.
Learning Elements:
Along with an introduction to the astrophysical field of star formation and the interstellar medium, the student will experience all aspects of the scientific process, including the analysis of the raw simulation data, developing an interpretation of the results, and communicating these results in both written format (a short report) and orally (at group/collaboration meetings). The student will also gain skills in Python computer programming: specifically they will learn to manipulate the simulation data in hdf5 format, to identify clouds in two-dimensional images of this data, and to extract the physical properties of these clouds from the full three-dimensional dataset.
Garrett Keating - Opening for Undergraduate Majors in the Following Fields: Astronomy, Physics, Computer Science, Statistics, Math, Atmospheric Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Garrett "Karto" Keating
Department: Radio and Geoastronomy Division
I am a staff scientist at SAO, working on both technical and science projects on the Submillimeter Array (SMA). My scientific research is focused on the fuel of star formation – molecular gas – found in galaxies that are billions of light years away, seen when the Universe was only a few billion years old. The goal of this research is to understand how molecular gas evolves within galaxies like our own Milky Way galaxy over cosmic time, and on how one can use this gas as a tool to trace the larger scale structure of the Universe. My technical research generally involves novel applications of data for a variety of purposes, including everything from pointing the telescope to correcting for the impact that changing atmospheric conditions can have on a radio interferometer like the SMA..
There are several different research projects that students can potentially be involved in, from using archival data to discover new galaxies in fields used for calibration of the telescope, using different chemical tracers to measure the molecular gas properties of very bright (but very distant) galaxies, to helping to build an advanced "digital adaptive optics" system to improve the performance of the SMA during periods of poor atmospheric stability.
- Basic programming skills and basic familiarity with UNIX environments are necessary. Experience with Python, MATLAB, and/or C would be extremely beneficial.
- Intro level courses on calculus and calculus required. Entry-level courses on astronomy, and/or statistics would also be an advantageous. Classes on linear algebra or advanced statistics would be beneficial, but not required.
Learning Elements:
Basic statistical analysis, linear regression methods, and data modelling, Python/MATLAB programming, handling of large datasets, radio metrology, observational methods in radio astronomy, sub-mm instrumentation, and research the formation and evolution of molecular gas within galaxies of the early Universe.
Edward Tong - Opening for Undergraduate Majors in the Following Fields: Engineering, Physics, Math and Computer Science
Advisor: Edward Tong
Department: Radio & Geoastronomy Division/Submillimeter Receiver Lab
The mission of the Submillimeter Receiver Lab at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory is to develop high frequency receiver for radio-astronomy applications. The receivers under development are state-of-the-art have ultra-low noise performance and most of them are cryogenic. These receivers require precision mechanical design and fabrication, precision electronic control, as well as rigorous lab testing.
A number of projects are available depending on the skills and interest of the interns. For interns with mechanical engineering background, he/she can participate in mechanical layout and design using Solid Work, as well as helping out in optical alignment and cryogenic testing. For interns with electronic background or interest, he/she can participate in layout and testing of electronic boards used to control receiver components. For interns with interest in coding, he/she can be involved in the automation of receiver testing, which is done mostly with Python running on Raspberry Pi and PC platforms.
A subset of the following skills is desired:
- Knowledge of mechanical engineering and 3D Solid Work design
- Unix, Windows and Python programming
- Sound mathematical background
- Soldering and electronic board testing experience
- Experience in using common lab equipment like power supply, signal generator, oscilloscope etc.
- Ability to manipulate small objects under microscope
Learning Elements:
Our lab exposes interns to a broad range of activities relevant to the design and operation of precision scientific instrumentation. Such exposure will help one to gain experience in technical and scientific careers.