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Lunar Eclipse Wows New England

Lunar Eclipse Wows New England
Photo by Joe Zajac

On Sunday, September 27, 2015, New England and the continental United States witnessed a beautiful celestial event - a total eclipse of the Moon. Billed by some as a "Super Blood Moon," the eclipse was certainly super-photogenic.

The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics welcomed about 700 locals to an eclipse viewing event. Many of the photos below were taken from the Observatory rooftop, while others were contributed by staff and friends in nearby towns and cities.

If you missed this one, you'll have a while to wait because the next total lunar eclipse won't happen until 2018, and that one is only visible in western North America. New England won't experience another total eclipse until January 2019.

Please click on each image to view full resolution.

CfA astronomer Joe Zajac took this photo of the eclipsed Moon. In this 4-second exposure, a flash was used to
illuminate the tree in the foreground.
The eclipse began shortly after 9 PM Eastern. Photo by Alan Sliski.
Credit: Richard Koolish
Credit: Alan Sliski
Credit: Alan Sliski
Nearing totality. Photo by CfA astronomer Roger Brissenden.
Total eclipse. Photo by Alan Sliski.
The eclipse showed a dramatic red tinge. Photo by Richard Koolish.
Timed exposure by Anna McCracken. Note the airplane trail (dashed red line) above the Moon.
Eclipsed Moon and background stars. Photo by Jay Weillington.