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Outer Solar System Not as Crowded as Astronomers Thought

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA When a treasure hunt comes up empty-handed, the hunters are understandably disappointed. But when astronomers don't find what they are looking for, the defeat can provide a...

The Atmosphere of an Exoplanet

Submitted by idfive on
An "exoplanet" is an extra-solar planet, that is, a planet orbiting a star other than our own sun. Of the roughly 307 currently known extrasolar planets, about thirty of them transit the...

The Wombs of Stars

Submitted by idfive on
Stars form as gravitational forces coalesce the gas and dust in interstellar clouds until the material forms clumps dense enough to become stars. But how this happens, and whether or not ...

Water Hit With Young Star's Best Shot

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA Water is being blasted to pieces by a young star's laser-like jets, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.The discovery provides a better unders...

Galaxies in the Early Universe

Submitted by idfive on
About ten years ago, astronomers using new submillimeter wavelength facilities discovered the existence of a new class of very distant galaxies. These objects are located so far away that...

The Milky Way's Super Massive Black Hole

Submitted by idfive on
Black holes are by far the "simplest" objects in the universe because they can be completely characterized by just three numbers: their mass, electric charge, and spin. Although they are...

Confirmation of a Black Hole

Submitted by idfive on
In 1967, an X-ray sounding rocket discovered a fantastically bright source of X-ray emission coming from the direction of the constellation of Cygnus. Named Cyg X-3, it was soon identifi...

Closest Look Ever at the Edge of a Black Hole

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA Astronomers have taken the closest look ever at the giant black hole in the center of the Milky Way. By combining telescopes in Hawaii, Arizona, and California, they detect...

The Expanding Universe

Submitted by idfive on
Perhaps the most astonishing and revolutionary discovery in cosmology was Edwin Hubble's observation that galaxies are moving away from us. It provides the underpinning of the big bang p...
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