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Spitzer Reveals Stellar "Family Tree"

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA A new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope tells a tale of life and death, and reveals a rich family history. The striking infrared picture shows a colorful cosmic clo...

The First Stars

Submitted by idfive on
New stars are continually forming in clouds of gas and dust in our galaxy. Astronomers at the CfA and elsewhere who watch these births have a very good (though not perfect) understanding...

Probing the Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole

Submitted by idfive on
There is now overwhelming evidence that the center of our Milky Way galaxy contains a giant black hole with a mass of about four million suns. The most convincing data come from the motio...

Seven Billion Year-Old Galaxies

Submitted by idfive on
As modern telescopes peer more and more deeply into the universe, they are seeing older and older galaxies. The current record is a galaxy whose light has been traveling towards us for w...

The Sun's Magnetic Field

Submitted by idfive on
Solar flares, prominences, and so-called coronal mass ejections are three different manifestations of stored magnetic energy near the sun's surface being released in sudden eruptions. Th...

Radio Beacons in the Early Universe

Submitted by idfive on
Radio galaxies are cosmic beacons, with the brightest ones beaming nearly a trillion solar-luminosities of radiation into space at radio wavelengths. The origin of this intense emission ...

Reflecting on Planets

Submitted by idfive on
Mars, Jupiter, and all the other planets and asteroids in the night sky that are visible to us can be seen because they reflect sunlight. The "albedo" is the quantity that quantifies a b...

Looking Out for Near Earth Objects

Submitted by idfive on
Near Earth Objects (NEOs) are small solar system bodies that are infamous because their orbits take them near earth's orbit; sometimes they pass dangerously close to the earth or even col...

The North Star

Submitted by idfive on
Polaris, the North Star, is not only renowned as a reliable beacon for early navigators. It is a Cepheid variable star, that is, a star whose mass and age are just right to prompt periodi...
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