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Testing Einstein: Is Dark Energy Constant?

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA Nearly a decade ago, astronomers discovered the surprising existence of dark energy-a mysterious force that pushes galaxies apart and accelerates the expansion of the unive...

Red Giants

Submitted by idfive on
Once a star like the sun has consumed most of its hydrogen fuel, its outer layers swell up and cool off; the star becomes a "red giant." Our sun will evolve into a red giant star in an...

The Sails of Argus

Submitted by idfive on
The Vela Molecular complex is a set of giant clouds of gas and dust that are not particularly well known to North Americans because they are in the direction of the southern hemisphere co...

Dark Energy

Submitted by idfive on
Ten years ago this winter, two teams of astronomers, one led by CfA scientists, astonished the world with their results showing that the universe would expand forever. Soon afterwards th...

What Determines the Intensity of Solar Flares?

Submitted by idfive on
The solar corona is the extended, gaseous, outer atmosphere of the sun. The corona is very hot, over a million kelvin, and motions of this hot gas produce twisted magnetic fields that ext...

The Mysterious ULXs

Submitted by idfive on
An ultra-luminous X-ray source (ULX) is an object (excluding a galactic nucleus) that is more luminous in its X-ray emission alone than one million suns are at all wavelengths. Most gala...

Bright Galaxies in the Early Universe

Submitted by idfive on
A billion years or so after the creation of the universe, and about eight billion years before our own sun formed, the universe underwent a period of dramatic star formation. Recently st...
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