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The Largest Galaxy Merger Ever Seen

Submitted by idfive on
Astronomers suspect that most galaxies have been involved in collisional encounters during their lifetimes. Galaxy-galaxy interactions stimulate the vigorous formation of stars, as gravit...

The Orion Nebula Monster

Submitted by idfive on
The Orion Nebula, shining brightly in the "sword" of the constellation Orion, is one of the most famous sights in the sky. The nebula is actually several clusters of hot young stars surr...

Two Telescopes Combine to Probe Young "Family" of Stars

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA A spectacular new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope uncovers a small group of young stellar "siblings" in the southern portion of the Serpens cloud - located approx...

Hot News About Hot Jupiters

Submitted by idfive on
A few years ago, astronomers discovered a new kind of planet -- a so-called "hot Jupiter," a planet whose mass is similar to that of Jupiter, but whose orbit is very close to its star an...

Spitzer Space Telescope Spies Monster Galaxy Pileup

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA Four galaxies are slamming into each other and kicking up billions of stars in one of the largest cosmic smash-ups ever observed.The clashing galaxies, spotted by NASA's Sp...

Measuring the Distances to Unseen Objects

Submitted by idfive on
One of the single most important measurements of a celestial object is its distance, because distance enables astronomers to calculate key intrinsic properties like mass and luminosity. ...

Colliding Galaxies

Submitted by idfive on
Collisions between galaxies are thought to be common, with most galaxies probably involved in one or more encounters during their lifetimes. Our own Milky Way, for instance, is bound by g...

Messier's Jets

Submitted by idfive on
In 1774 the French astronomer Charles Messier published a catalog of 109 fuzzy-looking objects he discovered in the heavens. He thought they might be mistaken for comets, and today we kno...
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