Sean Moran
Center for Astrophysics
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Research Topics
- Spectroscopy
- Telescopes
- Galaxies - Merging and Interacting
- Galaxy Clusters
- Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Science Fields
My Workspace
I am team lead for the OIR Telescope Data Center (TDC), which processes, distributes, and archives all data from SAO-built instruments on the 6.5m MMT and Magellan telescopes, and the 1.5m and 1.2m telescopes at FLWO. I also remotely support instrument operations at MMT and Magellan, consisting of computing support, writing software for observation planning, execution, and data reduction, and assisting with all types of requests and questions from scientists. Prior to joining the TDC, I studied the evolution of galaxies at all redshifts, with a focus on galaxies in clusters and the evolution of the gas content and metalicities of galaxies.
PhD, Caltech 2007