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Capto genitus huic metuo proprius quidem singularis sino vero vicis. Dignissim ille modo nisl vel. Diam gravis ibidem lenis. Commodo pecus ratis ut. Cui diam immitto jugis laoreet pecus q...

Fere Iusto Nulla Quibus

Amet damnum iaceo ille iusto rusticus saluto validus vindico vulputate. In lucidus macto refoveo sagaciter. Decet dignissim ea immitto nulla vulpes. Caecus dolor pagus. Bene illum natu. E...

Finding Galaxies with Active Nuclei

Submitted by idfive on
The nuclei of most galaxies host supermassive black holes with millions or even billions of solar-masses of material. Material in the vicinity of such black holes can accrete onto a tor...

Is Dark Matter Made of Primordial Black Holes?

Submitted by idfive on
Astronomers studying the motions of galaxies and the character of the cosmic microwave background radiation came to realize in the last century that most of the matter in the universe was...

Send Your Name to the Sun on the Parker Solar Probe

Submitted by idfive on
This summer, NASA's Parker Solar Probe will launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This historic mission will travel almost 90 million miles, facing brutal heat and radiation, t...

The Gamma Ray Burst – Supernova Connection

Submitted by idfive on
A "core-collapse" supernova occurs when the iron core of a massive star collapses under the force of gravity and then rebounds, generating pressure waves and shocks that propagate outward...

Exotic Binary Stars

Submitted by idfive on
Cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) are white dwarf stars that are accreting from an orbiting, low mass binary companion star. The accretion is facilitated by the proximity of the stars; typ...

Scientists Surprised by Relentless Cosmic Cold Front

Submitted by idfive on
Cambridge, MA - This winter has brought many intense and powerful storms, with cold fronts sweeping across much of the United States. On a much grander scale, astronomers have discover...
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