Federico Fraschetti
Federico Fraschetti received his PhD in Astrophysics at Univ. of Trento and Univ. of Rome La Sapienza in Italy in 2004 with a thesis on ultra-relativistic shocks that was awarded the Pietro Tacchini Prize from the Italian Astronomical Society. He has wide interests in space physics, high energy astrophysics and laboratory astrophysics: particle acceleration at (non-)relativistic shocks (GRBs, supernova remnant shocks, and interplanetary shocks), particle transport in (heliospheric and exoplanetary) turbulence. He has joined the Parker Solar Probe SWEAP team to continue his research on space plasma physics, and continues other astrophysics projects (Chandra, Fermi/LAT, ACE, Wind, TESS, Kepler). Outside of work, he loves to spend time in nature with family, swimming, playing violin and cooking.
- Tracking mechanisms efficiently accelerating charged particles at shocks at multiple heliospheric distances out to ~1.5 AU, NASA Living With a Star.
- Energetics of Solar Eruptions from the Chromosphere to the Inner Heliosphere, NASA Heliophysics Systems Observatory Connect.
- Interpreting the signature of GeV-TeV galactic cosmic rays on the solar surface via turbulent transport within inner heliosphere and solar atmosphere, NASA Heliophysics Supporting Research.
- Energetic Particles transport in the inner heliosphere switchbacks turbulent environment, NASA Parker Solar Probe Guest Investigator.
- Particle acceleration at collisionless shocks propagating into inhomogeneous media, NASA Astrophysics Theory.