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Third Annual GMT Community Science Meeting

Third Annual GMT Community Science Meeting

On October 1-3, 2015, the Giant Magellan Telescope Organization will present the third annual GMT Community Science Meeting. This year's conference, entitled "(re)Solving Galaxies in the Era of Extremely Large Telescopes," will take place in Monterey, CA.

The detailed dynamics, chemical and star formation histories of nearby objects provide a view that is complementary to the average history of the universe that can be stitched together from observing large ensembles of unresolved galaxies. In this conference, we will consider the questions "What can uniquely be learned about dark matter and the physics of galaxy formation from observations of resolved stellar populations?" and "How can we ensure that the next generation of facilities accomplishes this?" Through invited and contributed talks on state-of-the-art, near-field research on dark matter and galaxy formation and evolution, we aim to (i) pinpoint the highest priority open questions and (ii) foster new collaborative connections with an eye on answering these questions with next generation facilities.

Registration is free, and travel support is provided for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers.

Additional details are available on the conference website.