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Latino Initiative Program Welcomes 2021 Summer Interns

Submitted by mariclaire.oneill on
Seven undergraduates have been awarded summer internships at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) through the Latino Initiative Program.  

Cosmic Ray Influences on Star Formation in Galaxies

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
The triggering of star formation, and also its quenching, is regulated by young massive stars in galaxies which inject energy and momentum into the interstellar medium. Feedback from the ...

Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
Forty years ago astronomers using sensitive new imaging techniques discovered a class of large, faint galaxies they named low surface brightness galaxies. Giant low surface brightness gal...

A Bright Flare from the Star Proxima Centauri

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
The prospects for life around low-mass, cool M-type stars have been extensively discussed because these stars are the most common ones in the galaxy, and they frequently host Earth-sized ...

Newly Identified Young Stars in a Nearby Association

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
Star-forming regions in the Galaxy are distributed in a complex web of filaments. Clusters of stars are born within the densest parts of these structures, but soon after the stars form th...
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