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Chandra Discoveries in 3D Available On New Platform

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
A collection of the 3D objects from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is now available on a new platform from the Smithsonian Institution. This will allow greater access to these unique 3D...

A Massive Star Forming Galaxy in the Early Universe

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
The most luminous galaxies in the universe radiate a thousand times the energy of the Milky Way (or even more), most of it at infrared wavelengths. These galaxies are powered by the ultra...

A Barred Galaxy’s Massive Molecular Inflow

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
Large amounts of gas are sometimes funneled to a galaxy's nuclear regions, with profound consequences. The gas triggers starburst activity and can also feed the supermassive black hole, c...

A Giant Planet Microlensing Event

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
Over 4300 exoplanets have been detected to date, over ninety percent of them by using the transit or radial velocity techniques. Of the other ten percent, 105 were found using the microle...

Weekly Calendar

Submitted by mchesleigh on
Test Calendar

A Superluminous Supernova from a Massive Progenitor Star

Submitted by mjuliano-adm on
Stars greater than about eight solar-masses end their lives spectacularly as supernovae. These single-star supernovae are called core collapse supernovae because their dense cores, compos...
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