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CfA Redshift Catalog

Cosmic Web and Cosmic History The observable universe contains around 100 billion large galaxies. These are not randomly scattered: they form filaments and other large structures that to...

Chandra Supernova Remnant Catalog

Cataloging the Stellar Graveyard Supernovas are among the brightest phenomena in the universe, briefly outshining whole galaxies before they fade. The relatively short duration of these ...


An X-ray Catalog of Newborn Stars Stars are born inside dense clouds of gas that are opaque to optical light. However, newborn stars emit intense X-ray radiation which can pierce through...

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Making Sense of MOOCs MOOCs differ from traditional in-person and ordinary online classes in two major areas: the large number of students they allow to enroll and the high attrition rat...

Persistence in STEM (PRiSE)

Improving Science Education for All Despite evidence for widespread interest in STEM among children across gender and race, the demographics of STEM do not reflect the population as a wh...

From the Ground Up

Innovative Teaching Tools for Physical Science The physical sciences — including physics, astronomy, and Earth science — are essential parts of science, technology, engineering, and...
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