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Giuseppina (Pepi) Fabbiano

Center for Astrophysics
Senior Astrophysicist


Scientific interests include the study of normal galaxies, their evolution, and the galaxy-nuclear activity connection, by means of X-ray observations. Fabbiano has published a number of highly cited research and review papers in this subject, including two invited articles for the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. She has been involved in observational X-ray astronomy (with Uhuru, HEA-1, ROSAT, Einstein, Chandra) and space data management throughout her career, and is presently the Head of the Data Systems Division of the Chandra X-ray Center. Her group has developed the new Chandra Source Catalog, which gives access to the X-ray sources detected with Chandra and all their relevant data from derived properties to the original data cubes and calibrations. She is the CfA lead for the Virtual Observatory, a project aimed at making astronomical data archives inter-operable and accessible to the wider public. She has long been an advocate of high resolution, large collecting area X-ray telescopes. She has served on several national and international committees, including chairing the executive committee of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, and is a member and Trustee of the Aspen Center for Physics.

Physics Doctorate, 1973, Palermo University (Italy)